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Certificate of Authenticity

1. What is a Certificate of Authenticity (COA)?
2. What information is included on Dutch Flats' Certificate of Authenticity?
3. Is your Certificate of Authenticity worth the paper it's printed on?
   • Example Certificate of Authenticity

1. What is a Certificate of Authenticity?
The Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is a document containing important information about each print. The COA gives authentic fine-art, limited-edition printmakers the opportunity to distinguish their work from mass produced posters or reproductions printed and reprinted in unlimited quantities, which some dealers try to pass off as "limited edition" prints.

The extensive information provided by the printmakers on the COA not only guarantees the authenticity of their work, but also educates the buyer as to the specifics of his or her investment. A proper Certificate of Authenticity adds value to a fine-art limited edition print and it is an important part of your purchase because it explains in detail all of the various factors of a print's production and edition. It should be kept with your limited edition print and transferred to any subsequent investor if you ever decide to sell your artwork.
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2. What information is included on Dutch Flats' Certificate of Authenticity?
Dutch Flats Wildlife Art Gallery, LLC believes that the detailed documentation, which accompanies each limited edition print, is an essential element of your purchase. Our documentation policy regarding the techniques and editions of each limited edition print is simple: "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." This is why we include the following information on the COA:

•Title of Print
•Artist's Name
•Size of Edition
•Number of Artist's Proofs
•Artist's Signature
•Image Size
•Date of Printing
•Name of Print Workshop
•Method of Reproduction
•Paper Information
•Ink Information

Each Certificate contains all of the essential information to verify the authenticity and chronology of the print.
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3. Is your certificate of authenticity worth the paper it's printed on?
There is tremendous abuse in the "certificate of authenticity" or COA business, especially at online auctions. Unless a Certificate of Authenticity originates from and is signed either by the artist, the publisher of the art (in the case of limited editions), a confirmed dealer or agent of the artist (not a third party or reseller), or an acknowledged expert on the artist, it is pretty much meaningless.

A legitimate COA must contain specific details about the art such as when and how it was produced, the names of people or companies involved in its production as well as the exact title of the artwork and its dimensions. It should also state the qualifications of the individual or entity that authored the certificate and include his or her current contact information.
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•Example Certificate of Authenticity

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